Quick cacao topping for the connoiseur

I could not resist an additional post this week!
If you have ever hesitated over starting a blog believing your pool of material to write about was easily drained (that metaphor!) then think again.

Ever since I ploughed through my fist nerve-wracking post, it seems I am bursting at the seams for topics, recipes, art experiments,...you name it, I've thought it!

This causes a slight conundrum, I have 7 posts in draft status and add one every few days. This leaves me no choice but to slip in an extra post every once in a while, while the ideas are still fresh in my mind, and especially when concerning a simple recipe. So simple in fact, it is more of an idea, one that can be utilised as an ice-cream flavour or topping (who needs instant hot chocolate now?) or anything else that could use a marbling or sprinkling of this fruity, yet still rich cacao blend.

I'll cut the blather short now (sometimes blogging goes as thinking does, my fingers fly over the keyboard with all the thoughts pouring out, albeit with two-finger typing) and hey presto!

Rich cacao blend

1 cup cacao nibs
1 cup cacao powder
optional: a few scoops of maca/lucuma/mesquite as you please

Simply pulse all ingredients in a blender until the cacao nibs break down into powder (or grind up the nibs in a spice or coffee grinder and stir in the other ingredients).

Notes: thus-far I have used it to flavour and top mango banana icecream (see Emily's ode to that magic here) added it to berry smoothies, added a pretty dusting on some of the raw slices I play around with.

Question: do you find that inspiration overflows when you have finally committed to sharing your ideas with people? Let me know!


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